
Years of Experience


Projects Delivered





Enterprise Information Technology

  • Systems, Database, and Network Administration

    Maintaining the technological backbone of Systems, Databases, and Network Administration for efficient and secure and service delivery.

  • Data Administration

    Management, organization, and maintenance of information to ensure compliance, accuracy, and efficiency.

  • Network Services

    Specializing in secure, reliable, and scalable network services, tailored to meet the requirements of government systems.

  • IT Help Desk, Call Center, and Tier 1, 2 & 3

    Comprehensive technical assistance, from initial issue resolution to more complex problem-solving and infrastructure management.

  • Network Engineering / Configuration Management

    Design, implementation, and maintenance of secure, scalable, and compliant network infrastructures.

  • IT Portfolio Management

    Strategically overseeing and optimizing the collection of IT projects and assets to align with agency objectives, maximize efficiency, and ensure cost-effectiveness.

  • Health IT

    Integration of technology solutions tailored to streamline healthcare operations and data management.

Lifecycle Systems

  • Digital Engineering

    Strategic integration of advanced technologies and innovative methodologies to streamline and optimize development, maintenance, and operation of complex systems and infrastructures.

  • Modeling & Simulation and Visualization

    An indispensable toolset, offering dynamic virtual representations and predictive analysis to enhance decision-making, optimize resource allocation, and operational efficacy.”

  • Test & Evaluation and Analyses

    Rigorous assessment methods to ensure quality, functionality, and compliance, employing systematic examination and data-driven insights for informed decision-making.

  • Systems Integration

    Leveraging diverse technologies and software to create a unified, efficient infrastructure that meets the specific needs and standards of government operations.

  • Safety & Suitability Engineering

    Design and implementation of systems that prioritize safety, durability, and appropriateness for government projects, ensuring compliance and the fulfillment of quality requirements.

  • Feasibility Assessments, Studies, Testing & Tools

    Comprehensive evaluations, research, rigorous testing, and the utilization of specialized tools for viability and practicality of proposed projects or initiatives.

Advisory & Assistance / SETA

  • Acquisition Management

    Strategic planning, procurement, and administration of goods and services, ensuring compliance with regulations and optimizing value.

  • Program Management

    Overseeing and coordinating the multifaceted elements of contracted projects, ensuring their effective execution, compliance, and successful delivery.

  • Integrated Logistics and Analysis

    Seamless coordination of supply chain management, strategic planning, and data-driven insights to optimize operational efficiency and meet the needs of government contracts.

  • Rapid prototyping –Innovative Solutions

    Harnessing innovative methodologies to swiftly develop and iterate solutions, fostering agility and adaptability in addressing complex challenges.

  • System and Information Security Management

    Robust measures to safeguard sensitive data, critical systems, and information assets against cyber threats, ensuring compliance with security protocols and regulations.

  • System Test & Engineering

    Rigorous evaluation and optimization of complex systems to ensure reliability, functionality, and compliance with specific government requirements and standards.


  • Cybersecurity & Cyber Defense Operations

    Fortifying digital infrastructure and executing strategic measures to safeguard sensitive data and systems.

  • Risk Management Framework / Accreditation

    A structured approach to identifying, assessing, and mitigating potential risks to ensure compliance and accreditation.

  • Cyber Compliance & Incident Response

    Ensuring adherence to security protocols while swiftly addressing and mitigating cyber threats.

  • IoT and OT Security

    Robust IoT and OT security measures to safeguard interconnected systems, data, and critical infrastructure against potential cyber threats.

  • Cyber Architecture and Design

    Fortifying systems against cyber threats with robust, adaptive structures that safeguard sensitive data and ensure operations.

  • Penetration Testing, Vulnerability Analyses, and IV&V

    Crucial security protocols to ensure robust defense against potential threats, analysis of vulnerabilities, and independent validation of system integrity.

  • Weapon Systems Cyber Engineering

    Offers pivotal expertise in safeguarding Weapon Systems through advanced cyber solutions.